Apa Kes ni?

10 November 2008
Ni wani nya kes so tpksa la buat kan..

1. Take a recent picture of yourself or take a picture of yourself right now.
2.Don't change your clothes, don't fix your hair... just take a picture.
3. Post that picture with NO editing.
4. Post these instruction with your picture.
5. Tag 10 people to do this.

ni ha dia...pic kat tempat kerja

still cute kan..kemain..anis mesti jeles tu

tak de saper yg aku nak tag..sape nak buat perkara yg sama just angkat tgn n buat la kat blog korang..betul..betul..betul

8 kOmEn:

  1. senyuman TETAP! ;)

  1. z o u l berkata...:

    10 thn ikat kontrak model UBAT GIGI CAP IBU DAN ANAK...


  1. AniS GalaXy berkata...:

    sggh suci muka mu di opis
    try luar opis...mcm....opsss
    x mau ckp
    pk sendiri..


  1. tajokk lgu sgt tawww hahahh

  1. Afeeq berkata...:

    ubat gigi gunakn tanpa was2...lalala

  1. z o u l berkata...:

    betul2 bump

  1. Pojiepooh Abdullah berkata...:

    leh wat lagu baru nih bertajuk "gigimu tershushun rapi"